Nowadays, high-performance concrete (HPC) and ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) are ranked among advanced concrete\ntechnologies. The application of the mentioned advanced technologies may have potential to improve the construction efficiency\nfromseveral points of view. For instance, reducing of construction time and construction material, construction quality improving,\nenvironmental impact minimizing, and increasing of both durability and lifetime of structures as well as reducing of total\nconstruction costs may be obtained. Particular advanced concrete technologies are described and the possibilities of their utilization\nin both monolithic structures and precast units are presented in the article. The main benefits of modern methods of construction\n(MMC) based on advanced concrete technologies application in precast elements production are presented. Regarding the selected\naspects of construction efficiency assessment, a comparison of conventional and advanced concrete technologies that are applied\nin monolithic structures and precast units is made. The results of this comparison, estimated in semantic differential scale, are\npresented in the article. By the results of the comparison, the significance of applying the advanced concrete technologies in modern\nmethods of concrete structures production is demonstrated in order to improve construction efficiency